
At 22 months old, the child still only says ‘mommy’ and doesn’t respond when spoken to. She doesn’t learn when taught. I’m looking for assistance on how to change the current situation and get the baby to start talking…


When a toddler doesn’t open their mouth to talk, parents often become very anxious. The process of learning to speak is indeed quite complex, involving both the toddler’s intention to speak and the matching of content, as well as the coordinated activity of various speech organ muscles. Guidance: For a toddler to learn to speak, they need a good language environment. Family members should talk to them more and try to make them happy and produce sounds through games. Training a toddler to open their mouth and talk usually involves speech learning methods. Have the toddler sit facing the parent at the same height, paying attention to the parent’s mouth shape. If the child is very active and has difficulty concentrating, place them on your lap close to your face so they don’t get distracted, and use one hand to hold their chin if necessary, so they can observe the mouth shape of a person speaking.