
The 2.5-year-old toddler refuses to eat and often wakes up at night, resulting in poor sleep. In the past, treatments with calcium supplements and probiotics have been used, but the effects have been insignificant. Solutions to increase the toddler’s appetite and improve sleep quality are sought.


Digestive dysfunction is common in children, with symptoms including vomiting, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and hematochezia. These symptoms not only reflect functional or organic problems in the digestive system but may also appear in other systemic diseases, particularly in neurological disorders, mental disorders, or infectious diseases. Therefore, accurate medical history-taking and observation of the condition are crucial for determining the primary disease and formulating appropriate treatment plans. Medically, consider using traditional Chinese herbs such as 9g huoxiang, 3g hulian, 6g chenpi, 9g jianqu, 9g jiaoshanxia, 9g fuling, and 9g jineijin to regulate digestive function. In addition, the following suggestions can be adopted:

  1. Improve dietary habits: Ensure the child’s diet is balanced with a rich supply of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats while avoiding excessive processed foods and high-sugar foods.
  2. Regular exercise: Moderate physical activity can help promote the child’s digestive function and sleep quality.
  3. Establish a stable routine: Help the child develop a fixed bedtime and wake-up time to improve sleep quality.
  4. Reduce stress: Stress may affect sleep quality and should be minimized.