
The child has had a fever for three days and now the body temperature is normal, but they had diarrhea last night. Do they still need a lung X-ray? Besides not being pneumonia, are there any other issues? The white blood cell count was 2.7 yesterday; what kind of assistance is needed? Do they still need to undergo urine and lung X-ray examinations?


At this age and time of year, considering the body temperature and white blood cell count, it is likely an infection, with a higher possibility of being viral. Viral infections are self-limiting, and they can heal on their own as the condition improves. After the fever subsides, the child should gradually get better, so it’s advisable to observe for a few days first. If the fever recurs, then more detailed examinations should be conducted. Be mindful of the necessity of a lung X-ray; if there are no respiratory symptoms, it may not be necessary. Wishing for a quick recovery.