
The child is 9 years old and has been coughing for ten days. Initially, he only had a cough, and after three days of medication, there was no improvement. Subsequently, he developed a fever. After five days of intravenous fluid therapy, the cough and fever continue, with a body temperature of about 38 degrees. He has undergone tests for bronchitis, routine blood tests, and chest X-rays, diagnosed with bronchitis. A three-day course of medication was prescribed, but the fever has not subsided, causing anxiety among the parents.


The symptoms may be due to bronchitis. It is recommended to seek immediate medical attention for chest X-rays, CT scans, bronchoscopy, and bronchial provocation tests. Treatment may include oral amoxicillin clavulanate potassium, cough syrup, licorice tablets, ketotifen, and traditional Chinese medicine for cough and expectoration. It is also advised to avoid spicy, cold, and other irritating foods. In daily life, it is important to strengthen physical exercise to enhance body. There are many causes of respiratory system diseases. If diagnosed with a respiratory system disease, it should be treated in accordance with the doctor’s advice, including gastrointestinal decompression and forming good hygiene habits. Pay attention to a reasonable diet and avoid irritating foods.