
For the past two weeks, my eyes have been itchy, my eyes have turned red, and there are tears. In the morning, there is swelling in the bottom of my eyes with a blue-black color.


It might be conjunctivitis. For those with excessive secretions, you can use steroid eye drops (cortisone) and for frequent rinsing of the conjunctival sac with physiological saline, boric acid solution, or antibiotic solution several times a day. Also, apply or apply sulfa drugs, antibiotic solutions, or ointments, 4 to 6 times a day. You can also apply 1% silver nitrate to the eyelid conjunctiva and immediately rinse with physiological saline, once a day. Since there are many causes leading to pediatric retinal diseases, it is necessary to understand the etiology before treatment and implement symptomatic treatment principles. Moreover, nursing measures in daily life are indispensable. It is recommended to eat less spicy food and more eye-protective foods.