
What are the causes of diarrhea in a 2-year-old child?


The child had a hard rice cake on the evening of May 1st, which led to indigestion due to the hardness of the food, and then developed a high fever in the middle of the night. On May 2nd, the fever did not subside throughout the day. After taking digestive medicine, the situation improved, and by May 4th, the frequency of diarrhea decreased, but he was not fully recovered. On May 6th, although the diarrhea situation improved compared to before, further treatment was still needed. The doctor recommended a regular stool examination to determine the cause and adopt anti-inflammatory treatment. Cefixime dry suspension and Simethicone can be administered orally, and it is necessary to drink plenty of water to aid recovery. Additionally, maintain anal hygiene by cleaning with warm water to prevent eczema. Diarrhea in children often troubles parents, so general treatment methods should be adopted during treatment, and professional knowledge should be used to help children recover as soon as possible to avoid affecting growth and development. Parents should closely monitor their child’s condition and seek medical help in a timely manner.