
What medications are effective for treating rhinitis? I cough early in the morning and before bedtime, but not when I’m asleep. My initial diagnosis was variant cough, and taking Serevent for the first time worked immediately. After stopping the medication half a month later, the symptoms recurred. I received injections and medication for over four months, and now the cough is severe, even when I’m asleep. This time, the doctor diagnosed it as bronchial asthma. The imaging showed no problems with the lungs. This time, I took Serevent (Montelukast tablets) and Ural (immunomodulatory health medicine) for over ten days, but there was no improvement. My nose is also blocked, and I can’t breathe through it, and I’m constantly flowing clear mucus. The doctor who treated me today said that there is no specific medicine for this disease; it’s like this when it’s cold, but it gets better when it’s warm. They only prescribed Eptoin. This has been going on for four months now.


There are many factors that can cause pediatric bronchial asthma. If a child is diagnosed with pediatric bronchial asthma, parents need to cooperate with the doctor for immediate treatment, cooperate with gastrointestinal decompression, and develop good hygiene habits. The child needs a reasonable diet and avoid stimulating and cold foods.