
What are the standards for newborn hearing tests? My baby is 5 months old, and the hearing test for the left ear shows 40 decibels. Will this affect his future language development? How should I treat it? I have already taken my baby to Shanghai Otorhinolaryngology Hospital for examination, and the doctor said the baby is too young and needs to wait until 6 months old for a definitive diagnosis. However, I have read some materials indicating that intervention should be done within 6 months. How should I proceed correctly? Please provide expert feedback, thank you.


Based on your description, your baby’s hearing test results appear to be normal, so you don’t need to worry excessively. In addition to regular follow-up and treatment, parents should seek professional advice and maintain good communication with the doctor. In terms of care, it is recommended that parents keep their baby’s diet light and avoid giving spicy or other irritating foods. At the same time, choosing a professional medical institution for treatment can help achieve better therapeutic effects.