
My daughter is 12 months old and her height is only 72 cm, while she was 49 cm at birth. She has had a slight pectus excavatum due to calcium deficiency in the past. I don’t know what caused her to grow so slowly. Both parents are 162 cm and 175 cm tall respectively, so she should not be short according to her parents’ heights. What could be the cause? How can it be remedied? Also, I would like to ask when it is best to take calcium powder and fish liver oil in the day? Can they be taken together?


In addition to taking calcium powder and fish liver oil, it is also important to get more sunlight and exercise. Each person’s growth period is different, and some children may grow later, which is what is known as the “still growing at 23” phenomenon. As long as there is no lack of nutrition, not growing tall could be a genetic variation. It is also recommended to drink more milk, as the calcium in milk is easier to absorb than in calcium powder and it is also rich in nutrients.