
The child is three years and three months old. Before the age of one, the child’s physical condition was good, and the appetite was also good. However, after turning one, the child began to fall ill frequently, and the appetite also decreased accordingly. To date, apart from ensuring the intake of milk every day, the intake of staple foods is very little, and the growth indicators have just reached the standard. The parent has tried many folk remedies and reduced the amount of snacks given to the child, but the effect is not significant. The child has also been given many appetizing foods and medications, but the situation has not improved. The parent is asking for solutions. Additional Question: The parent has already made an effort to change the types of dishes and food, often asking the child what they would like to eat, but the child still has long-term selective eating and aversion to food.


Children’s diet should ensure daily nutritional supply while creating a joyful dining environment. Staple foods such as rice and vegetables should be the main food for children, while other snacks and desserts should be supplementary with small portions. If this order is reversed, it not only makes it easy for children to develop bad eating habits such as selective eating, aversion to food, and overeating but is also not conducive to a balanced diet for children.