
My baby contracted thrush on July 1st, but has no other discomforts, and is doing well in all aspects. After using topical medication, there has been improvement, but the thrush returns when the medication is stopped. I want to know how to deal with this situation, as well as whether my baby’s growth of only two teeth at 11 months old could be due to calcium deficiency?


This is a sign of calcium deficiency. Medications always carry certain risks, so food supplementation is usually safer and more effective. Because calcium supplements not only provide calcium but may also contain other chemicals. Therefore, parents should choose to supplement calcium through food while also obtaining other nutrients. It is recommended to give your baby more foods rich in calcium, such as shrimp shells, milk, eggs, etc. Additionally, supplementing with vitamin D is also important, as it helps promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in babies. You can give your baby cod liver oil or foods rich in vitamin D.