
Patient: Female, 15 years old, has been suffering from bedwetting for the past 3 years. She has been treated at Tangshan North China Coal Medical College Affiliated Hospital. Previous treatment and results: She took Shuquan Wan, which was effective at first, but then the problem recurred. She also tried traditional Chinese medicine, but the problem came back after a while. She is very worried. She wants to know if there is a way to completely cure it.


Bedwetting first requires a urine test to rule out inflammation. However, the vast majority of cases are not due to inflammation but are functional, and the hospital may not find anything wrong. There are several types: 1. Pituitary gland issues: The antidiuretic hormone (which has a diuretic effect) is not normal; in normal people, it is 2.5 times higher at night than during the day, but in bedwetting children, it is only 1.5 times higher, leading to more urine at night. 2. The bladder itself is not fully developed or is developing slowly: There are issues with the bladder sphincter and detrusor muscle. Symptoms include frequent urination, urgency, and wearing diapers during the day. 3. Issues with or delayed development of the micturition center: A. Hidden spinal bifida - Symptoms include difficulty waking up, being drowsy upon waking, feeling disoriented; severe cases may have nocturnal enuresis. B. Slow conduction of the micturition center - Symptoms include being able to wake up after urination.