
Why does my one-month-old baby sometimes feel sick while breastfeeding? Are there any ways to prevent this? Thank you.


There are several reasons that could cause a baby to cry during breastfeeding, such as tonsillitis, eating too quickly, abnormal digestive function, and a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. Mothers should pay attention to their baby’s mood, milk intake, complementary food intake, and bowel movements. If all these aspects are normal, there is no need to worry excessively. During feeding, it’s important to give the baby warm water, opt for light and easy-to-digest complementary foods, ensure the nipple is fully filled with milk during breastfeeding to avoid the baby inhaling too much air, eat small meals more frequently, and reduce exposure to cold and hot stimuli. After improving the feeding methods, the baby’s dry heaves should improve accordingly.