The 4-month-old baby has been suffering from diarrhea for more than a week, with frothy stools and a greenish color. Since two months and a half, the parents have been feeding the baby with a small spoon of apples, and soon after, the baby started having diarrhea. White blood cell counts have ranged from 0 to 1, and various medications including Simethicone, Beqin, Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin Granules, and Mami Love, as well as massage therapy, have been tried but with no improvement. Now, seek expert advice on how to handle the situation.
In the absence of other diseases, it is recommended to use Mami Love and Simethicone for treatment under normal stool routine test results. The dosage of Simethicone can be increased. For mild to moderate vomiting, oral rehydration therapy is usually sufficient for treatment. It is not recommended to use antibiotics for vomiting caused by viral enteritis or indigestion, as antibiotics are not only ineffective but also kill normal gut flora, leading to dysbiosis and exacerbating vomiting symptoms.