
Starting from November 26, the baby has shown symptoms of loss of appetite, loose stool, and high fever. The details of past treatments and their effects are unknown. Inquire about the cause, preventive measures, current treatment suggestions, and suitable recipes for a one-year-old baby.


The baby was taken to the doctor on November 27, where the blood count was elevated, and intravenous drip and medication treatment were administered. Currently, the high fever has subsided, and the condition of the stool has slightly improved. To understand the cause, preventive measures, and the current stage of treatment. It is recommended to provide some food recipes suitable for a one-year-old baby to enhance their appetite. Foods like oatmeal porridge, meat puree, vegetables, and fruits can be tried, with daily changes in the menu. Preparations such as fish soup, tendon soup, and bone soup can be used to make noodles or scrambled eggs. Dinner usually consists of rice as the main dish, accompanied by a soup and a small dish of side dishes. Suggested dishes include scrambled eggs with tomatoes, braised fish, braised pork, and meat puree stewed eggs. When cooking, attention should be paid to cooking food until it is soft enough for the baby to eat.