
Why won’t my child eat properly? Even when a bit hungry, they only want to eat a little, and once their belly has something in it, they can’t eat anymore. I’ve taken my child to see a doctor, who prescribed some medication to stimulate appetite and digestion, but after taking it for a while, there was no improvement, and the child still doesn’t eat much. I want to know what kind of food an 11-month-old should eat for easy absorption, and what foods are not suitable for infants?


There can be many reasons why a child doesn’t want to eat. It could be due to nutritional deficiencies, digestive system disorders, or infections. It’s recommended to regularly conduct physical growth and development and nutritional assessments for your child. If any issues are found, they should be treated early to avoid any impact on the child’s growth and development. When your child is in good health, there’s no need to overly concern yourself with eating issues; let it happen naturally. Children will eat when they’re hungry. Additionally, ensure your child eats at regular times and portions. Avoid giving too much sweets or cold drinks before meals, as these can affect their appetite. Also, make sure your child has regular bowel movements.