
How should I address a child’s cough that has lasted two weeks?


There is phlegm especially when the child cries, not severe nasal discharge, and sometimes the lower eye sockets are a bit blue. Symptom onset time: two weeks ago. Laboratory examination results: the doctor said it was a fever. Previous treatment and results: taken cold medicine, except for fresh bamboo extract. How can I assist? What should I pay attention to in the diet? What about the lower eye sockets? Guidance: fever can be divided into two types, with nasal discharge is usually wind-cold fever, and without nasal discharge is wind-heat cold. For wind-cold fever, sweating is the key. For example, drinking hot tea, not too strong, or drinking ginger soup. There’s a method for coughing; mix one tael of sesame oil with warm water and then pour into a fresh egg, followed by boiling water and stirred well, then drink while hot. Take it twice a day, morning and evening, and it can cure fever and cough in 2 to 3 days. Living care: If it’s not serious, letting the immune system completely recover is the best way.