
What is the problem with baby vomiting clots?


Vomiting Clots Occurrence Time: Over a month Detailed Laboratory Examination Results: None Previous Treatment and Effects: No treatment Desired Assistance: Want to consult a doctor What causes vomiting clots?

  1. Adopt the appropriate diaper-changing position: Try to hold the baby while changing the diaper, keeping the baby’s body in a 45-degree downward position, allowing the milk in the stomach to naturally flow into the small intestine, which reduces the chance of vomiting again compared to lying down;
  2. Always burp the baby after changing the diaper: Hold the baby upright against your shoulder, gently pat the baby’s back to let him expel the air that was inhaled along with the milk, then place the baby on the bed, making it less likely for them to vomit;
  3. Do not let the baby lie on their stomach immediately after feeding, but should lie on their side for a while first, then switch to lying on their stomach.