
A three-and-a-half-month-old baby frequently passes foamy, thin stools. After taking Simeticon and Yigan San, the symptoms temporarily alleviate, but return after stopping the medication. It’s been said that methods like Mommy Love and boiled apple water are ineffective, and there’s hesitation to give the Four Grind Soup due to concerns about its ineffectiveness. What could be the problem? How can it be improved?


This could be due to incomplete development of the gastrointestinal tract, which is less common in babies breastfed exclusively but more so in those on formula. The main reasons might be indigestion or gastrointestinal allergies. The presence of paste-like matter in the baby’s stool may indicate a gastrointestinal infection. Simeticon can temporarily alleviate symptoms of loose stools. Mommy Love’s main ingredient is bifidobacteria, which helps regulate the intestines but has limited effectiveness against infections. It is recommended not to use Four Grind Soup temporarily and to take a moderate amount of bifidobacteria supplements; generally, conditions improve after four months, and stool returns to normal with the introduction of complementary foods.