
Can children drink fresh milk?


Based on the age of the child, it is recommended to use specialized infant formula milk during the 0 to 2-year period instead of drinking fresh milk directly. While the protein content of milk is lower than that of breast milk, most of it is casein, which forms larger clumps that are difficult to absorb. The unsaturated fatty acid content in milk is also lower, with larger fat globules and a lack of fat-digesting enzymes, which are not conducive to digestion and absorption. Although the lactose content in milk is higher than that in breast milk and mainly consists of alpha-lactose, additional sugar must be added to reduce calories. The total calcium and phosphorus content in milk is lower than that in breast milk, but the ratio of calcium to phosphorus is not appropriate, which is also not conducive to digestion and absorption. If economic conditions permit, it is recommended to continue using formula milk even after weaning.