
My baby, who is now 4 months old, has been drinking Lidojin formula milk all along. Why is the baby still suffering from severe calcium deficiency, especially since the formula is supposed to contain calcium? I want to know the reasons! Should we continue to focus on drinking this formula milk?


I suggest trying oral calcium gluconate and Yike Xin, and increasing sun exposure, as well as consuming more bone soup and crucian carp soup with lean meat. Typically, children under 2 years old need 400-600 milligrams of calcium per day, while children between 3 and 12 years old need 800-1000 milligrams per day. With normal diet, children only absorb about two-thirds of the required calcium from food, so they must supplement an additional amount of calcium daily to make up for the one-third deficit. Moreover, there is a series of regulatory mechanisms in the body that can suppress the absorption of calcium. If the body has sufficient calcium, less calcium will be absorbed through the intestines; conversely, more will be absorbed. Excess calcium will also be excreted out of the body through urine and feces.