
The five-month-old baby had sparse hair at birth, and the family considered shaving the head to promote new hair growth, but did not execute it. Now, at five months old, the hair has not become dense yet. How can we promote the healthy growth of the baby’s hair?


It is a normal phenomenon for infants to have sparse hair, which usually becomes denser as they grow older. If the baby is healthy in other aspects but has less hair, it can be observed until six months old. If there are still concerns, it is recommended to check the baby’s trace elements, especially calcium levels, to determine if there is a deficiency. In addition, the baby’s scalp tends to sweat easily, which may lead to friction with the pillow and cause alopecia. This is one of the symptoms of calcium deficiency. It should be observed if the baby sweats a lot during diaper changes or sleep and is easily startled. If these symptoms are present, it may be caused by calcium deficiency and needs to be supplemented in a timely manner. Generally speaking, the growth of a baby’s hair is related to nutritional intake, especially protein, iron, and vitamin B group. Ensuring that the baby receives a balanced diet is crucial for hair growth.