
Why does my child refuse breast milk? What could be the reason behind their sudden refusal? It’s been a week, and the previous treatment and its effectiveness were: Unsure of what to feed? Seeking assistance on how: I really want to know why? I am very eager to get an explanation as soon as possible, thank you.


A mother’s dietary habits may introduce an unappealing taste to the breast milk that the baby dislikes or causes discomfort. The taste of the food a breastfeeding mother consumes can enter the milk within about two hours. Children are particularly sensitive to the taste of breast milk, and if they dislike the taste or experience discomfort (abdominal pain, bloating, allergies, etc.) after feeding, they may again show signs of refusing milk and crying restlessly. Common hidden foods that may cause children to dislike the milk include spicy foods (chilies, garlic, ginger, chives, etc.), gas-forming foods (such as sprouts, onions, carrots, etc.), dairy products, pesticides and contaminants (from fish from industrially polluted water bodies, vegetables and fruits with residual pesticides, etc.), and caffeine-containing foods (coffee, strong tea, beverages, etc.).