
When opening a canned food, two small pieces of glass shards accidentally fell into the can. The third day, I forgot that the baby had eaten the two small pieces of glass shards. I don’t understand medicine. Is it possible for the glass shards to enter the baby’s brain from their mouth, besides getting stuck in the baby’s stomach and intestines, will it interfere with the baby’s intellectual growth and brain development? I am very worried.


Certainly, it can cause gastrointestinal damage. However, generally speaking, it is extremely unlikely. Guidance: Generally, there is no need to worry as long as it doesn’t enter the airway. It usually passes through with stool and does not dissolve. Don’t worry; just observe temporarily. But it is recommended to eat more bananas, vegetables, and fruits to soften the stool and promote excretion. Lifestyle Care: Additionally, if there is abdominal pain, it should be checked promptly for possible intestinal obstruction or gastrointestinal harm caused by this factor. Or it may be necessary to have an ultrasound or X-ray to track the current location of the foreign object.