
What are the causes of macular degeneration, and can it be treated? I have developed macular degeneration and nerve atrophy due to high myopia. What treatment methods are available? The patient is a 44-year-old female who has been wearing glasses since junior high school. Her vision has severely declined in the past two years.


There are many reasons for the deformation of vision caused by macular degeneration, mainly due to the leakage of fluid under the retina, leading to macular edema and hemorrhage. This includes broken blood vessels causing hemorrhage, leakage of hemorrhage. External trauma, inflammation, tumors, tissue necrosis, increased or decreased blood pressure can lead to damage to the tissue vascular wall and bleeding. The enlargement of ultra-micro pores in the endothelial cells of the vascular wall can lead to a disorder in the hemostatic mechanism, and neovascularization can cause leakage hemorrhage. Hemorrhage is classified into traumatic hemorrhage, broken blood vessel hemorrhage, inflammatory hemorrhage, hemorrhage due to blood heat and recklessness, degenerative hemorrhage, changes in blood coagulation mechanism (traditional Chinese medicine Qi not controlling blood, spleen not leading blood), vascular sclerosis, reduced blood flow, retinal tissue ischemia, tissue necrosis hemorrhage, thrombosis hemorrhage, compression hemorrhage (e.g., intracranial tumor compression displacement hemorrhage). The etiology of hemorrhage is related to hypertension, diabetes, vascular embolism, hemopathy, kidney disease, trauma, complications of macular hemorrhage in high myopia, etc. The process of disease progression includes hemorrhage or leakage, edema proliferation, neovascularization formation, re-proliferation, re-leakage, and re-hemorrhage, recurring attacks. Treatment focuses on purifying the blood and repairing…