
Can I grow an inch in a month, and can hormones change that? Due to an illness two years ago, taking strong corticosteroids suppressed my growth, so now I am nearly 10 centimeters shorter than my peers…


At this stage of development, it is recommended not to administer growth hormone. Whether or not one can grow tall is influenced by several factors, primarily genetic factors from ancestors, accounting for 70%. Additionally, other conditions such as activity, nutrition, environment, and social factors play a role. However, it is still advised to be more active, eat properly, and hope for effective results while being encouraged! 1. Adjust your diet appropriately, avoid overeating, ensuring sufficient nutrition while also exercising self-control. Do not smoke or drink alcohol; 2. Live a regular lifestyle, ensure adequate deep sleep, go to bed on time, preferably on a hard bed, and use a pillow that is higher than 5 cm; 3. Pay attention to personal health care, prevent and treat diseases early on.