
Why does breast milk leak easily, causing the baby not to eat enough?


According to research, normally, a lactating mother can produce about 800 milliliters of milk daily to meet the baby’s needs. However, if the baby can release the nipple and fall asleep comfortably after breastfeeding, this indicates an adequate milk supply. But if the baby suckles vigorously at the beginning of breastfeeding and then releases the nipple crying, and there is no significant weight gain or no weight gain at all, this may be a sign of insufficient milk supply. In fact, unless there is a congenital maldevelopment of the mammary glands, the amount of milk secreted is usually not too little. Proper diet and nutrition intake help ensure an adequate milk supply. In the diet, it is important to consume enough vitamin B1 and water, which are crucial nutrients for milk secretion. In addition, certain foods have been proven to promote milk production, such as chicken soup, pork trotter soup, etc. These soups are not only delicious but also help increase appetite and enhance milk production. If the mother is a vegetarian, she can also choose to eat egg soup, tofu soup, green vegetable soup, etc., while also consuming high-quality proteins to improve the quality of the milk.