
What are the reasons for diarrhea in a child after taking Cefaclor dry suspension?


Firstly, if your child has experienced nausea and vomiting again after taking the medication for a week, without considering the drug’s effects, it is unclear whether your child’s diarrhea is viral, bacterial, or simply due to indigestion. If your child’s diarrhea is not bacterial, there is currently no need to take cephalosporin antibiotics for treatment. At the same time, antibiotics can cause nausea and vomiting, which is due to the imbalance of gut flora caused by the antibiotics. In mild cases, symptoms can resolve on their own after stopping the medication, while in severe cases, oral probiotics may be needed to adjust the gut flora. Regarding the nausea and vomiting caused by the drug, this generally occurs during the medication period and is rarely seen in a small number of children after taking the medication. Wishing your baby a healthy growth! This is my personal opinion and is for reference only!