
My child just gave birth, and I don’t know what’s going on, as there are always red spots on their body, and they also spit up. What are the treatment methods for red dots on a baby’s bottom?


A possible diagnosis is diaper dermatitis, which is a contact dermatitis primarily caused by infrequent changing of diapers. The decomposition of urine by ammonia-producing bacteria leads to the production of more ammonia, which stimulates the skin and causes dermatitis. It is common in infants. Skin damage occurs in the genital area, perineum, and buttocks, and sometimes extends to the inguinal area and lower abdomen. The symptoms include extensive erythema, as well as macules and papules with clear edges, consistent with the way the diaper is wrapped. If left untreated, it can lead to boils, ulcers, and sores. Treatment should include frequent changing of diapers, maintaining dryness in the affected area, and avoiding soap cleaning to prevent further irritation. Topical zinc oxide ointment can be applied. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the condition is caused by improper external genital hygiene, damp heat stagnation in the skin, and treatment should focus on clearing heat and draining dampness.