
My child, who is 3 and a half years old, has been suffering from a recurrent cough since summer. The medicine hasn’t stopped for three months now. Now that he has been taking Wanshining for a week, can he just take this medicine to get better? Generally, there’s an occasional cough with a hoarse throat, and sometimes he coughs very severely without any apparent reason. When we rush to see the doctor and take medicine, it gets better, but it doesn’t go away completely. Previous treatment and effects: What kind of help do I expect? Can he get rid of the cough completely by taking Wanshining for 60 days?


The baby’s coughing for a long time suggests two possible reasons: one is allergic cough, and the other is caused by mycoplasma infection. If the cough is still severe, it may be necessary to perform a few respiratory tract percussion examinations. 1. Treatment methods: Allergic cough can be treated with oral antihistamines. 2. For mycoplasma infection, oral azithromycin or erythromycin tablets are required. Wishing for a speedy recovery.