
My baby has been shrinking their neck and shaking their shoulders since they were seven months old. But they are also very lively. What could be the cause? Previous treatment and effectiveness: None. Assistance sought: How to treat this symptom?


The symptoms your baby is showing could be indicative of a tic disorder. Tic disorder is characterized by sudden, rapid, purposeless, and involuntary repetitive muscle twitches, such as blinking, head shaking, furrowing eyebrows, sniffling, pouting, smirking, making faces, shrugging shoulders, finger twitching, leg kicking, and abdominal muscle twitching. These movements usually start with twitches in the eyes, face, or head and gradually expand to other parts of the body. If your baby exhibits these symptoms, it is recommended to bring them to a tic specialist clinic for diagnosis. If diagnosed with tic disorder, medication like Tetrabenazine can be used for treatment. It has fewer side effects and is usually effective within 1 to 2 weeks of starting the medication. It is suggested to take the medication 2 to 3 times a day, with each dose being 50 milligrams. Possible side effects include decreased appetite.