Can infants take the Bacillus subtilis Bifidobacterium Combination Live Culture Granules? Previous treatment situation and effectiveness: I went to the hospital and checked my stool, saying there was inflammation and took medicine, but it didn’t help much with the diarrhea. What kind of help do I need? If it can be taken by a four-month-old baby, what is the dosage?
A four-month-old baby experiencing nausea and vomiting again is more likely due to physiological diarrhea, which is often related to breastfeeding. Here are some suggestions:
- Proper breastfeeding (pay attention to the mother not to stop using cold foods, take appropriate rest, and enhance nipple hygiene).
- It’s possible that the baby has lactose intolerance. You can add a small amount of formula milk.
- Probiotics can be used; take half a packet each time, twice a day. This medication should be a live culture preparation, and do not place this product in high temperatures. The water temperature when dissolving should not be lower than 40°C.
- It is recommended to delay complementary feeding. If you want to start normal complementary feeding, start with porridge.