
The child continues to have diarrhea with egg flower stools, and the effects of medication and intravenous fluids are not ideal. The child is constantly tired, wants to sleep all day, has no appetite, and has mild dehydration symptoms.


This symptom may be caused by viral gastroenteritis and requires immediate medical attention for a routine stool examination to confirm the diagnosis. If three consecutive test results are negative, treatment for dyspepsia can be initiated. Based on the current season, it is likely caused by an intestinal virus infection. It is recommended to adopt antiviral treatment and supportive therapy, while alleviating diarrhea symptoms, ensuring adequate fluid intake, and considering intravenous fluid administration to replenish fluids when necessary. If vomiting is severe, attention should be paid to electrolyte imbalance. For children who show signs of fatigue and reduced appetite, timely blood ion testing should be conducted to supplement any missing electrolytes. Do not self-administer anti-diarrheal medications, as this may lead to the entry of viral toxins into the bloodstream, causing sepsis.