
My eight-month-old baby always has very few bowel movements, and the stool is blackish-green with foam and sticky. What could be the cause? I have tried giving the baby probiotics, but the effect is not significant. How should I treat it?


When a baby consumes an excessive amount of starchy or sugary foods, these foods undergo a strong boiling process in the intestines, which may produce dark brown watery stools with foam. Here are some recommended steps:

  1. Ensure a balanced diet for the baby, considering breastfeeding.
  2. Provide age-appropriate complementary foods, such as rice porridge, chopped vegetables, and meat puree.
  3. Monitor the baby’s dietary intake and avoid excessive consumption of single types of food.
  4. If the condition persists or worsens, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly for professional medical advice.