A reader came on her period on February 15th and, 33 days later, tested positive for pregnancy with a pregnancy test showing two lines, but one of the lines was faint. She started taking Meiyuan Chun Kidney Pill oral liquid at the beginning of March and inquired whether she could continue with the pregnancy. The ingredients of Meiyuan Chun Kidney Pill oral liquid include Epimedium, Luffa Seed, and Prepared Rehmannia, among other traditional Chinese medicinal herbs.
Doctors suggest that women planning to get pregnant should avoid using medication three months before conception. In this case, if the dosage is not large, it is recommended to undergo regular prenatal checks and have a Down syndrome screening at 16 weeks of gestation. Doctors also advise against fad diets, maintaining a diverse diet, and consuming high-protein and high-quality protein foods, as well as vegetables and fruits. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, quit smoking, and steer clear of toxic substances and radiation sources.