
My baby has recently been showing a lack of interest in eating and drinking, but they seem in good spirits. What could be the cause? Are there any methods to improve this situation? Thank you!


The baby may be experiencing mild indigestion or a temporary loss of appetite. Here are several steps you can take in daily life to improve this condition:

  1. Regular Meal Times: Help your baby establish fixed meal times and locations to cultivate good eating habits.
  2. Nutritious Diet: Ensure your baby’s diet is diverse, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vegetables, and fruits to meet their nutritional needs.
  3. Reduce Snacks: Avoid giving your baby too many snacks before meal times to prevent affecting their appetite.
  4. Increase Activity: Moderate outdoor activities and exercise can stimulate appetite.
  5. Make Meals Fun: Enhance your baby’s interest in food through colorful food arrangements and creative designs.
  6. Avoid Stress: Maintain a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere during meals, avoiding scolding or educating the baby to prevent psychological stress. If your baby’s loss of appetite persists for a while or is accompanied by other symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or weight loss, it is advisable to take your baby to the hospital for a check-up to rule out any potential health issues.