
I had a cold one week ago with symptoms of nasal congestion and sore throat. After taking rifampin and antiviral oral liquid on my own, the symptoms slightly improved. However, I started to have a fever yesterday with a temperature of about 37.5 degrees Celsius, accompanied by coughing and expectoration of yellow phlegm. The phlegm is lumpy and has hard lumps. I went to the hospital for a check-up today and was diagnosed with left-sided pneumonia. The doctor recommended hospitalization for treatment. I would like to know how to correctly take medication if I am allergic to penicillin and cephalosporin drugs.


Hello, based on your description, it is recommended that you use traditional Chinese medicine such as Shuanghuanglian or Banlangen in the early stages of a cold. If you have obvious catarrhal symptoms such as a runny nose, you can take over-the-counter cold medications like compound paracetamol granules. At the same time, anti-inflammatory medications should be used along with plenty of water to alleviate sore throat symptoms. If the condition does not improve after a long time, appropriate antibiotics should be taken under a doctor’s guidance. For pediatric respiratory system diseases, the causes are diverse. If your child has been diagnosed with a pediatric respiratory system disease, parents should cooperate with the doctor for timely treatment and pay attention to providing appropriate gastrointestinal decompression. At the same time, good hygiene habits should be cultivated, and children should be ensured a reasonable diet, avoiding intake of irritating and cold foods.