
What’s happening when a child has a fever, seizures, and vomits white foam, and how should it be handled?


When a child experiences seizures and vomiting white foam along with a fever, the following steps should be taken:

  1. If the child’s body temperature is below 38.5°C, you can initially avoid using fever-reducing medication and instead encourage the child to drink plenty of water and closely monitor their condition.
  2. Physical methods of cooling can be employed, such as removing excessive clothing or loosening clothes in areas without direct cold air exposure to facilitate heat dissipation.
  3. You can use 35% to 45% alcohol or warm water for sponge baths, particularly in areas with abundant blood vessels such as the forehead, neck, armpits, inguinal area, and the upper part of the thighs, which can help lower body temperature.
  4. After the seizure, precautions should be taken to prevent the child from biting their tongue.
  5. After completing these measures, it is essential to take the child to the hospital immediately for professional medical treatment.