
My son is three years old and is one of the twins. The other twin passed away from leukemia in 2012. He was premature and was born seven months early. He is currently undergoing rehabilitation at home, able to sit and crawl on his own. He has good intelligence, but his right upper limb has spasms, yet he can still drink water by himself. His lower limbs show talipes, and he receives stretching and massage every day. He walks with a scissors gait, can stand with support, but is still unsteady on his feet. I want to bring him to your hospital for treatment, as I am in Inner Mongolia.


Hello, your child has cerebral palsy and can try traditional Chinese medical treatments, including Chinese patent medicine, traditional Chinese herbs, and physical therapy, which can help restore brain cell function and enhance self-care abilities. After more than three weeks of treatment, the child can return to normal life. We know that cerebral palsy in children has a significant impact on them, and timely and correct treatment is crucial; otherwise, the condition may worsen rapidly, posing serious harm to the child. Therefore, it is recommended to seek treatment at a professional hospital as soon as possible.