
She started coughing in September 2012. Sometimes she coughs at night, sometimes during the day. The cough can last for a few minutes or two to three hours. It seems like she has phlegm but can’t cough it out. She has visited several hospitals, including twice at the pediatric clinic of Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital for expert consultation; she has also sought treatment from a famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioner; and she received traditional Chinese medicine massage for a month. All attempts have been unsuccessful.


The cough may be caused by bronchitis. She needs to go to the hospital for chest X-rays, CT scans, bronchoscope bronchial provocation tests, and other checks. She requires oral amoxicillin potassium clavulanate, cough syrup, licorice tablets, ketotifen, and symptomatic anti-inflammatory Chinese medicine treatment. In her daily life, she should avoid spicy, alcoholic, cold, and other irritating foods. She needs to strengthen her physical activity and build up her body. Once diagnosed with pediatric respiratory system issues, parents need to actively cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, including gastrointestinal decompression, and develop good hygiene habits. The child should have a balanced diet and avoid stimulating or cold foods.