
During the ultrasound at 31 weeks, the right adrenal gland was not visible, showing a cyst. The ultrasound report describes a cystic structure below the right abdominal muscle and between the right kidney, with the lower edge near the lower pole of the right kidney. The border is clear, and the shape is oval, measuring approximately The internal acoustic quality is poor, with fine dot-like echoes and strip-like strong echoes visible. CDFI: No obvious color Doppler flow signals were seen within and around it. The upper pole of the right kidney is compressed, and the right adrenal gland is not clearly visible.

What should I do? Can the child be saved? How should it be treated after birth?


Hello, the condition you described may be a cyst, which is a benign disease generally treated by surgical removal. Medication treatment is usually not effective. It’s advisable to maintain a light diet and avoid consuming