
Yesterday, my baby was 45 days old and their bilirubin level was still as high as 16. Concerned, I took them for a blood test and found that after the fontanelle was pressed, two indentations formed. Although they recovered two hours later, I am still worried about the potential impact on the child.


When a newborn’s fontanelle is pressed and Depression forms, it may be due to the movement of fluid beneath the scalp, which typically recovers within a short period. However, if accompanied by other symptoms such as drowsiness, vomiting, or head injury, it may indicate internal head damage. It is recommended that parents take their child to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible, to undergo a head CT scan to determine if there is bleeding or other issues. Since the child may have a newborn disease, parents should seek medical attention immediately to avoid delaying treatment. For parents, it is crucial to pay close attention to their child’s condition and cooperate with doctors for symptomatic treatment.