
On August 8th, the child had a high fever of 39.4 degrees and diarrhea. The tonsils were not red, but there were several blisters visible. They took cold medicine granules, and the fever subsided on the morning of August 9th. They took Simethicone in the afternoon, and stopped having diarrhea on the 10th. After stopping Simethicone, they started having diarrhea again on the 11th.


There are many reasons why infants may experience diarrhea, including indigestion, gastroenteritis, intestinal flora imbalance, abdominal coldness, or improper diet. It is recommended to take the child to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment. If the diarrhea is caused by indigestion, you can try using drugs such as Mommy Love, Simethicone, or Montmorillonite powder for adjustment. In daily life, attention should be paid to keeping warm and maintaining correct dietary habits.