How should a 1-year-old be detoxified from lead?
Chronic lead poisoning is mainly treated with chelation therapy. The effectiveness of chelating agents in detoxifying lead is as follows: CaNa3DTPA (Calcium Promethazine) > CaNa2EDTA (Sodium Calcium EDTA) > ZnNa3DTPA (Zinc Promethazine) > Na2DMS (Dithiobis succinate sodium), DMSA (Dithiobis succinate) > 811 (Chelating carboxyphenol). The specific methods of use are as follows:
- CaNa2EDTA or CaNa3DTPA: 1.0g each time, administered intravenously or by intravenous push or intramuscular injection (with 2ml of 2% procaine), once daily, for three consecutive days followed by a four-day break, with a general course of three sessions.
- Na2DMS: 1.0g each time, administered intravenously or by intramuscular injection (with 2ml of 2% procaine), once daily, for three consecutive days followed by a four-day break, with a general course of three sessions.
- DMSA: 0.5g each time, taken orally, three times daily, for three consecutive days followed by a four-day break, with a general course of three sessions.