
My child is 5 months old. Yesterday, while I was bathing, the baby accidentally bumped into something, resulting in a bruise on the face and a little blood. The area isn’t large, and some family members are worried, so I came to consult. Do I need to give the baby a tetanus shot? What kind of assistance do I need: Does a baby’s facial bruise require a tetanus shot?


Bacteria carry anaerobic bacteria that cannot survive in the air, so the bruise should be fine. Only deep wounds are prone to infection. Depending on what caused the bruise, if it’s just an ordinary object, there’s no problem. As long as it’s not something rusty like iron, there’s no concern. Moreover, at 5 months old, the baby should have received the DTP vaccine, which itself is a vaccine for pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus.