
How much milk should a 3-month-old baby consume daily? If the baby’s weight has reached 20 jin, and they are currently taking 5 to 7 feedings a day, each of 180 milliliters, is this too much? Can you start giving the baby porridge to reduce the milk intake?


For breastfed infants, there is no fixed standard for the feeding schedule and quantity, as it should primarily be based on the baby’s needs. The number of feedings per day can vary depending on the baby’s size and hunger level. When the baby cries out of hunger, it should be fed immediately. On average, feeding 6 to 10 times a day is normal. For formula-fed infants, in the first week after birth, you should feed them 7 times a day, each time 30 to 60 milliliters; from the 8th to the 14th day, feed them 7 times a day, each time 60 to 90 milliliters; from the 15th to the 28th day, feed them 6 times a day, each time 90 to 120 milliliters; at 1 to 2 months old, feed them 5 times a day, each time 120 to 150 milliliters; after 4 months old, feed them 5 times a day, each time 150 to 200 milliliters. As the baby grows and develops, you can start introducing juice at around 2 months old, egg yolk at 3 months old, and then start adding rice porridge powder, formula powder, and biscuits at around 4 months old; by the age of 1, you can introduce soy products and lean meat. In summary, an infant’s total daily milk intake should be approximately their weight (in kilograms) multiplied by…