
The child only drinks breast milk and not cow’s milk, spits out the bottle as soon as it touches the lips. But the breast milk is not enough. Currently, the child is consuming San Yuan’s milk. Will switching to imported formula make it better? What should be done if the child still refuses to drink the formula? Thank you.


Yes, some babies may develop a dislike for bottles and nipples or may not like the taste of formula, which can affect their willingness to drink milk. To help a baby accept a bottle, it’s important to proceed gradually. Here are a few suggestions: First, divide the baby’s feeding times into morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Try introducing the bottle during the middle session when the baby is more open to new things. You can start by playing with the bottle and then offer a few sips to familiarize them with it. Continue using the bottle more often when the baby is in a calm mood. You can also add a small amount of glucose to the formula to increase its sweetness and stimulate the baby’s desire to drink. If the baby still does not adapt to the bottle, you can also try feeding them with a spoon.