
My child initially just had a cold and after taking medication, they are now only coughing. This symptom has been going on for several days, and I have previously gone to the hospital for injections, but the effect was not very good. I want to know what medications can quickly treat my child’s cough?


Children’s colds are a type of acute upper respiratory infection, commonly categorized into three types: wind-cold, wind-heat, and summer-dampness. Different treatments are recommended for each type of cold. For example, wind-cold symptoms can be treated by drinking red sugar ginger soup to expel the cold; wind-heat symptoms can be treated with Good Doctor Children’s Antiviral Granules to clear heat and detoxify; and summer-dampness symptoms can be treated with Chinese medicine under the guidance of a TCM practitioner. Additionally, parents should ensure good indoor air circulation, adjust clothing as needed, allow children to rest sufficiently, and provide light and easy-to-digest foods. If symptoms do not improve, adjust the treatment plan based on the results of medication sensitivity tests.