Detailed medical condition and purpose of consultation: Umbilical discomfort and pain, with a hard lump palpable above the pubic bone during pain, which moves with the hand. When pain-free, the child appears normal and no lump is present. The condition has persisted for about 3 months, and a definitive diagnosis is sought. Current onset and duration of illness: Pain from 6:20 AM to 9:10 PM, lasting 20 minutes. Current general condition: Pain in the morning and evening. Medical history: None. Previous diagnoses and treatment experiences and effects: Growth pain, intestinal spasm, gastritis, abdominal lymph node enlargement (considering this situation as a possible mesenteric lymphadenitis, often caused by regional cold or excessive consumption of snacks and cold foods. It usually presents with umbilical pain and sometimes with diarrhea or constipation. It is recommended to adjust daily diet, pay attention to regional warmth, avoid cold foods, avoid excessive snacks, and develop good eating habits. Treatment can include using chicken gizzards, multienzyme tablets, belladonna, etc."
Considering the possibility of mesenteric lymphadenitis, it is recommended to adjust daily diet, pay attention to warmth, avoid cold foods, and take medications such as chicken gizzards for treatment.