
Is there a problem if my 13-month-old child hasn’t started to stand yet?


Doctors suggest that if a 13-month-old child hasn’t started to stand, it might be due to congenital deficiencies causing the ‘Five Delays and Five Softnesses.’ Has your child undergone any related checks or treatments? How has the treatment gone?

Past Treatment and Its Effectiveness

Your child is already one year old and was diagnosed with developmental delays, receiving rehabilitation treatment. Has there been any improvement in your child’s condition after the treatment?

Needed Assistance

Parents are worried about potential sequelae in the future and whether the child can fully recover. What advice does the doctor have?

Doctor’s Opinion

It is recommended that parents strengthen their child’s nutrition and health care and consider pediatric massage. Since the child is still young, medication is usually not recommended. Parents should focus on their child’s health care.